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We mostly eat carbs and our body turns carbs into glucose. Glucose is the main fuel for the human body. If you reduce considerably your carb intake, after a few days, your body will use protein as a main source of energy. If you don’t eat a lot of protein and if you eat a lot of fat, after a few extra days, your smart body will find another way to feed itself. It will then use fat as a main source of energy. Fat will become the new fuel for your body and therefore for your brain. At this point, you will be on a ketogenic diet.

Fat is the golden fuel for your brain: the Rolls-Royce of all fuels. That is why it protects your brain from seizures. Moreover, to get to your brain it takes a different route than carbs do. That can also explain why it prevents seizures.

​The ketogenic diet is an established and effective treatment for childhood epilepsy. A huge amount of clinical evidence of its efficacy is available. It was developed in 1921 and has been increasingly used worldwide in the past decade. It has been used mostly for intractable epilepsy, after trying 2 different drugs. Protocols vary in each country. In some parts of the world, the diet is a third option. But it is becoming more often a second or even first choice of therapy.

As fat will become your main source of energy, your body will burn it all. So you shouldn’t gain any weight, and you will most likely lose some. My son has always been slim. Since he started the 3:1 keto diet, over a year ago, it hasn't affected his weight at all. He has been growing beautifully.

A 'ketogenic diet' is a diet in which you considerably lower your intake of carbs, eat an adequate amount of protein and a high amount of fat. When you do so, your body will start producing 'ketone bodies' also called 'ketones', which is basically the name of the fuel made from fat. Ketones will supply energy for your body and brain. Your metabolic system will change into a state called 'ketosis', hence the name 'ketogenic diet' ('keto' is simply short for ketogenic).

The '3:1 Diet' is a type of ketogenic diet. It is also called the 'classical ketogenic diet' or 'classical KD'.

Anybody can be on a ketogenic diet for various reasons such as weight loss, overall wellbeing, etc. The 3:1 keto diet is a strict and extreme ketogenic diet, which has a therapeutic goal. Because it is so extreme, it requires medical supervision and can have the benefit of protecting the brain from seizures.

Ketogenic diet = all you have to do is eat very low carbs, an adequate amount of protein and lots of fat. Your body will then produce ketones and you will be on the ketogenic diet.

3:1 ketogenic diet = you will have to weigh all of your food and reach a specific ratio for every meal. The ratio stands in the name: 3 to 1.

​That means: 3g of fat for every 1g of protein + carbs. Yes, you need to put carbs and protein in the same basket. A ratio is like a balance. A 3:1 ratio means a 3 to 1 balance between fat on one side and protein + carbs on the other side. You will need to reach that specific balance in every meal : breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner.

2:1 and 4:1 ketogenic diets are less common options. A child might try a 4:1 ratio if the 3:1 ratio doesn’t give the expected result. 

2:1 can be a step towards reaching a 3:1 ratio or progressively getting off the 3:1 diet at the end of the treatment. 

2:1 is less restrictive than 3:1

4:1 is more restrictive than 3:1

The principle is the same :

2:1 ratio = 2g of fat for every 1g of protein + carbs.

4:1 ratio = 4g of fat for every 1g of protein + carbs.

In the past few years, alternative and more flexible ketogenic diet variants have been developed : Medium Chain Triglyceride (MCT) ketogenic diet, Modified Atkins Diet (MAD) and Low Glycaemic Index Treatment (LGIT). The clinical evidence to date suggests that the more liberal versions of the classical ketogenic diet such as MCT KD, MAD and LGIT have an efficacy close to the classical ketogenic diet.

Your doctor will decide which diet is the most suitable for your child.

My son is on the classical 3:1 ketogenic diet, which is the most common diet treatment for epilepsy worldwide. The 'TIPS' section of this website can apply to all variants. The 'RECIPES' section includes only 3:1 recipes. If your child is on a different ratio or following a different ketogenic diet, you can use my recipes as a source of inspiration, but you will have to adapt the proportions of fat, protein and carbs to your child's diet.

Yes, if they want to, your other children can eat the same 3:1 keto meals. But not everyday as it is a medically supervised diet which goal is to cure. Moreover, overall your other children will most likely keep on eating a high amount of carbs and glucose will remain the main source of energy for their body. It won't burn the high amount of fat in the 3:1. keto meals, which could make them gain some weight. So it is best to keep it occasional. 

​To make your life easier, you can make the same meal for the whole family and simply adapt the recipe for those who don't follow the diet. For example:

  • less oil/butter
  • more protein
  • no mayonnaise on the side
  • replace mayonnaise by ketchup 
  • add some carbs on the side (pasta, rice, bread, etc)
  • add a starchy vegetable on the side (lentils, corn, chickpeas, peas, potatoes, etc) or switch a non-starchy vegetable for a starchy one.

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